USMNT vs Jamaica
<b>Location: </b>Levi’s Stadium Blue Lot 1 <b>Parking Cost: </b>$40 if purchased ahead of time——-&gt; (<a href=";camefrom=CFC_WINBACK_CCP&amp;prev_sid=WXVE9QpCal4AACRZaA0AAA@6&amp;mobileNumber=+12099473145" title="">Purchase online here</a>). It’s $50 otherwise. #ItsSantaClara <b>Time: </b>1:30pm-5:30pm PT <b>March: </b>5:30pm PT AO will be grilling up food with some snacks as well. Water on hand. Lot is BYOB (no glass). <b>DONATIONS APPRECIATED TO HELP FUND OUR EVENTS. Feel free to donate online here: </b><a href=""></a> <b></b> <figure style="text-align: center;"><b><img alt="" src=""></b></figure> <figure style="text-align: center;"><figure style="text-align: center;"><b><img alt="" src=""></b></figure> <b> </b> </figure> <b> </b>
Santa Clara, CA
USMNT vs Jamaica
July 26, 2017 · 5:00 AM

USMNT vs. Jamaica

AO Watch
If you're in the stadium and see or hear someone violating our code of conduct or making you feel unsafe, give us a text or call at: 475-222-5526.
Join us in the stands and chant and sing with us! If you don't know all the words, have no fear- a chant guide is here!