USMNT vs Honduras - The HEX
<h3>Parking: $30</h3> <h1><span>Shuttle: </span></h1> Free, One-way shuttle bus from <a href="" title="">Jack’s Bar &amp; Lounge</a> to stadium &amp; the AO Tailgate with a $10 bar tab! Shuttle leaves Jack’s every 30 minutes starting at 3:30pm! Last trip at 7:00pm. <h1>See a bartender for tickets and more details.<span>Location:</span></h1> Silver Lot Extension <h3>Food: </h3> Providing amazing TACOS for all. With various meats available and home-made sales from local restaurants. Food provided by American Outlaws, available FREE at our tailgate. Plan, Prepared and Cooked by AO Modesto. If you went to the Copa America game in Santa Clara, you know how well they do it. <h3>Beverages:</h3> Please BRING YOUR OWN. American Outlaws will provided Water <figure style="text-align: center;"><figure style="text-align: center;"><figure style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src=""></figure> </figure> </figure>
San Jose, CA
USMNT vs Honduras - The HEX
March 24, 2017 · 5:00 AM

USMNT vs Honduras - The HEX

AO Watch
If you're in the stadium and see or hear someone violating our code of conduct or making you feel unsafe, give us a text or call at: 475-222-5526.
Join us in the stands and chant and sing with us! If you don't know all the words, have no fear- a chant guide is here!